Have a boiled egg for breakfast!!
Then you will need:
A clean empty egg shell (free range duck eggs are the strongest!) with the top cut off. Marker pens Cotton wool Cress seeds An eggcupMake sure you have the egg with the hole at the top.
Then paint a fun face on your shell. You have to be careful not to squeeze the egg!
Fill the egg with cotton wool and water until thoroughly soaked.
Sprinkle lots of cress seeds onto the wet cotton wool.
Put your egg on a windowsill where the seeds will get some light.
Keep the cotton wool moist at all times and watch every day as the seeds sprout! It only takes a few days.
In a week or so your characters hair will need a hair cut. Prepare a lovely egg salad sandwich for your lunch.
Cut off the cress with some scissors and sprinkle onto the egg salad to make a delicious sandwich.

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