This lesson is an example of how your school garden can be used for all language lessons.
The labels can remain outside and used to identify what is growing in the garden.
Age range: Suitable for ages 4-8
You will need: Print outs of the Mi Jardin worksheets for all the pupils. Clipboards Pencils Copies of the labels Laminator Sticks PinsPreparation
- Print outs of the MI JARDIN worksheets for all pupils. You can tailor this according to what is growing in your garden.
- Print out the coloured labels
- Cut out the labels and then laminate
- Cut the labels out, making sure you leave a large border plastic. This is so that water is unable to get into the paper within
- Pin the labels onto sticks about 1-2 ft. long
The lesson
- Give each pupil a worksheet.
- Ask them to go around the garden identifying as many fruits and vegetables as they can, marking them off on their worksheets when they find them.
- When they have all finished go around the garden with , identifying where the plants were. Ask the children to repeat the name in Spanish and whoever does the best, they get to put the label in the ground.
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